viernes, 5 de febrero de 2010

Viendo caer nuestros equipos

Uno siempre lee acerca de equipos y sistemas operativos que se cuelgan (no voy a dar nombres) y muchas veces esas situaciones nos parecen totalmente ajenas. Sin embargo, hoy voy a dar un tip que no es del todo útil, dado que no mejora la performance ni seguriza nada, sino todo lo contrario: derriba los equipos.

En el caso de cisco no es muy común ver caer los equipos, pero utilizando una suerte de "comando oculto" podemos ver la forma en que caen y se recuperan de los errores.

Este comando oculto se llama test crash y se puede utilizar de la siguiente forma:

Router#test crash
WARNING: Command selections marked with '(crash router)' will crash
         router when issued. However a selection 'C' will need to
         be issued IMMEDIATELY before these selections to enable them.

Type the number for the selected crash:
 1  (crash router) Bus Error, due to invalid address access
 2  (crash router) Bus Error, due to parity error in Main memory
 3  (crash router) Bus Error, due to parity error in I/O memory
 4  (crash router) Address Error, due to fetching code from odd address
 5  (crash router) Jump to zero
 6  (crash router) Software forced crash
 7  (crash router) Illegal read of address zero
 8  (crash router) Divide by zero
 9  (crash router) Corrupt memory
 C  Enable crash router selection marked with (crash router)
 R  (crash router) User enter read bus error address
 U  (crash router) User enter write bus error address
 W  (crash router) Software watchdog timeout (*** Watch Dog Timeout ***)
 w  (crash router) Process watchdog timeout (SYS-2-WATCHDOG)
 d  Disable crashinfo collection
 e  Enable crashinfo collection
 i  Display contents of current crashinfo flash file
 m  Write crashinfo on crashinfo RAM
 n  Change crashinfo flash file name
 q  Exit crash menu
 s  Save crashinfo to current crashinfo flash file
 c  Close current crashinfo flash file
 t  Write crashinfo on console TTY
 x  Exit crash menu
? C                                                                     

Type the number for the selected crash:
 1  (crash router) Bus Error, due to invalid address access
 2  (crash router) Bus Error, due to parity error in Main memory
 3  (crash router) Bus Error, due to parity error in I/O memory 
 4  (crash router) Address Error, due to fetching code from odd address
 5  (crash router) Jump to zero                                        
 6  (crash router) Software forced crash                               
 7  (crash router) Illegal read of address zero                        
 8  (crash router) Divide by zero                                      
 9  (crash router) Corrupt memory                                      
 C  Enable crash router selection marked with (crash router)           
 R  (crash router) User enter read bus error address                   
 U  (crash router) User enter write bus error address                  
 W  (crash router) Software watchdog timeout (*** Watch Dog Timeout ***)
 w  (crash router) Process watchdog timeout (SYS-2-WATCHDOG)            
 d  Disable crashinfo collection                                        
 e  Enable crashinfo collection                                         
 i  Display contents of current crashinfo flash file                    
 m  Write crashinfo on crashinfo RAM                                    
 n  Change crashinfo flash file name                                    
 q  Exit crash menu                                                     
 s  Save crashinfo to current crashinfo flash file                      
 c  Close current crashinfo flash file                                  
 t  Write crashinfo on console TTY                                      
 x  Exit crash menu                                                     
? 6                                                                     
Causing a software forced crash...                                      

 10:44:18 UTC Fri Feb 5 2010: Breakpoint exception, CPU signal 5, PC = 0x6078406C

   Possible software fault. Upon reccurence,  please collect        
   crashinfo, "show tech" and contact Cisco Technical Support.      

-Traceback= 0x6078406C 0x60254650 0x61366294 0x6138C3B4 0x626264B8 0x6262649C 
$0 : 00000000, AT : 654E0000, v0 : 00000049, v1 : 000000A7                    
a0 : 651A5158, a1 : 00000320, a2 : 63D143E8, a3 : 66ED5C38                    
t0 : 66ED5C38, t1 : 6590FE60, t2 : 927C0000, t3 : 00000000                    
t4 : 000008B7, t5 : 00000F3B, t6 : 00000000, t7 : 00000000                    
s0 : 64CA0000, s1 : 0000003C, s2 : 00000036, s3 : 653D0000                    
s4 : 66F08DB0, s5 : 64CA0000, s6 : 6597DAD8, s7 : 64CA0000                    
t8 : 6640BE78, t9 : 0000B798, k0 : BFC003E0, k1 : 0000FF00                    
gp : 65068FA8, sp : 66F08D98, s8 : 648E0000, ra : 60254650                    
EPC  : 6078406C, ErrorEPC : 00000000, SREG     : 3400FF03                     
MDLO : 00000000, MDHI     : 00000000, BadVaddr : 00000000                     
CacheErr : 00000000, DErrAddr0 : 00000000, DErrAddr1 : 00000000               
Cause 00000024 (Code 0x9): Breakpoint exception

File bootflash:crashinfo_20100205-104418 Device Error :Bad device info block
File disk0:crashinfo_20100205-104418 Device Error :Invalid DOS media or no media in slot
File disk1:crashinfo_20100205-104418 Device Error :No device available
File slot0:crashinfo_20100205-104418 Device Error :Bad device info block
File slot1:crashinfo_20100205-104418 Device Error :No such device
File bootflash:crashinfo_20100205-104418 Device Error :Bad device info block
File disk0:crashinfo_20100205-104418 Device Error :Invalid DOS media or no media in slot
File disk1:crashinfo_20100205-104418 Device Error :No device available
File slot0:crashinfo_20100205-104418 Device Error :Bad device info block
File slot1:crashinfo_20100205-104418 Device Error :No such device
File bootflash:crashinfo_20100205-104418 Device Error :Bad device info block

 10:44:18 UTC Fri Feb 5 2010: Breakpoint exception, CPU signal 5, PC = 0x6078406C

   Possible software fault. Upon reccurence,  please collect
   crashinfo, "show tech" and contact Cisco Technical Support.

-Traceback= 0x6078406C 0x60254650 0x61366294 0x6138C3B4 0x626264B8 0x6262649C
$0 : 00000000, AT : 654E0000, v0 : 00000049, v1 : 000000A7
a0 : 651A5158, a1 : 00000320, a2 : 63D143E8, a3 : 66ED5C38
t0 : 66ED5C38, t1 : 6590FE60, t2 : 927C0000, t3 : 00000000
t4 : 000008B7, t5 : 00000F3B, t6 : 00000000, t7 : 00000000
s0 : 64CA0000, s1 : 0000003C, s2 : 00000036, s3 : 653D0000
s4 : 66F08DB0, s5 : 64CA0000, s6 : 6597DAD8, s7 : 64CA0000
t8 : 6640BE78, t9 : 0000B798, k0 : BFC003E0, k1 : 0000FF00
gp : 65068FA8, sp : 66F08D98, s8 : 648E0000, ra : 60254650
EPC  : 6078406C, ErrorEPC : 00000000, SREG     : 3400FF03
MDLO : 00000000, MDHI     : 00000000, BadVaddr : 00000000
CacheErr : 00000000, DErrAddr0 : 00000000, DErrAddr1 : 00000000
Cause 00000024 (Code 0x9): Breakpoint exception

-Traceback= 0x6078406C 0x60254650 0x61366294 0x6138C3B4 0x626264B8 0x6262649C

=== Flushing messages (10:44:18 UTC Fri Feb 5 2010) ===

Buffered messages:

*Feb  5 10:42:15.167: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface VoIP-Null0, changed state to up
*Feb  5 10:42:15.171: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface FastEthernet0/0, changed state to down
*Feb  5 10:42:15.171: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface IPv6-mpls, changed state to up
*Feb  5 10:42:16.171: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface FastEthernet0/0, changed state to down
*Feb  5 10:42:17.503: %SYS-5-RESTART: System restarted --
Cisco IOS Software, 7200 Software (C7200-ADVIPSERVICESK9-M), Version 12.4(11)T2, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc4)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2007 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Tue 01-May-07 04:19 by prod_rel_team

De más está decir que se debe usar en equipos que no estén en producción... después no me culpen si bajaron su red por usarlo en cualquier lado.


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